Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Loss of Amerindian languages, an erosion of Guyanese Culture

Guyana Chronicle editorial, 22 November 2007


Loss of Amerindian languages, an erosion of Guyanese Culture
The loss of Amerindian languages represents perhaps the greatest
erosion of
Guyanese culture today. There have been sporadic attempts to reverse
In 2005, for example, the Ministry of Culture launched a project to aid
the restoration of the use of Amerindian languages.
"I believe it will call," said then Minister Gail Teixeira, "for a
tremendous amount of work and a tremendous amount of dedication, and we
that the agencies such as the universities and the communities
the Amerindian villages, the Toshaos, their Elders and the young people
be part of this project and many others to come."
One of the main campaigners for the preservation of indigenous
languages has
been academic, linguist and now Minister within the Ministry of
Dr. Desrey Fox. Beginning as a researcher and following up through her
appointment as Head of the Amerindian Affairs Unit at the University of
Guyana, ensuring that Amerindian languages survive has been a personal
passion and academic mission for Fox. And for good reason too.
"Indigenous language extinction," says one website on indigenous
preservation, "has accelerated rapidly in the modern period. Scholars
estimate that 90% of the world's languages are spoken by only 10% of its
population, that 6,000 languages are endangered, and only about 600
When it comes to Dr. Fox's ministerial appointment last year, it can go
either way for her activism in preserving indigenous languages in
She may, as she has done in the past, still use the strengths of her
professional advancement to consolidate academic attention towards her
personal passion. This would undoubtedly been a boon for the language
preservation efforts locally. There could not be a better patron for
cause than one who is an actual position to influence or even create
The downside of her appointment, however, is that the education sector -
even with two ministers - is a large and increasingly complex one.
the study of Amerindian culture and society occupied the greater
majority of
her time as an academic, her ministerial portfolio is undoubtedly
with many pressing things.
Additionally, there are other factors which take away from the
of Amerindian language preservation being given more serious attention
it is currently being given. An obvious one would one which affects the
entire education system in Guyana: an increasingly severe shortage of
trained teachers. Another problem would be the cost and time involved in
developing and implementing a school curriculum.
The biggest problem in preserving Amerindian languages in Guyana,
has to do directly with the Amerindian people themselves: their relative
poverty. Cut off from the urban commercial centres of the coast, and
ownership of most of the resources surrounding their own communities,
preservation of languages not connected to their economic empowerment
meant little for the Amerindian people. For those seeking integration
the economic framework of their country, the English taught in schools
more useful than the Wapishana spoken at home. Others in Lethem and
villages like Yupukari speak the Portuguese of neighbouring Brazil.
The preservation of Amerindian languages therefore has to be deeply
integrated into a general multifaceted programme of Amerindian
taking into account the culture as well as economic needs of our

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