Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bad wood used to build homes

She noted further that bad wood had been used for roof beams, and one was joined in three places. Close observation, she had written, led to her discovery that some blocks at the centre front of the house were out of line "like falling inward." Two beams were replaced, but the blocks have not yet been aligned, her letter stated.

The woman also disapproved of ordinary carpenter nails being used to nail down the zinc sheets on the roof. She said too that the structure, which is supposed to be the septic tank, was only 12 inches deep.

She said she believed the doorframe put on the house had been used previously since she found part of a lock attached.

And the plyboard used for the ceiling had nail holes in them, she said, indicating that they could have been used before......Read more

Guyana - the land of many waters and wood still can't maximize their resources.

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